Watch tomorrow’s Eclipse in your Hot Tub & Win $100 Gift Card

Watch the Super Blue Blood Moon Before You Go to Work on Wednesday.

Where should I go to watch the eclipse?

Lucky for us, the best place to see the eclipse is right here on the West coast.  Where is the very best place to watch an eclipse in the early hours of the morning?  In your Hot Tub, of course!


What could be more impressive than a super moon, rarer than a blue moon and better than a blood moon? A combination of all three!

A super blue blood moon will be taking place – a spectacle that hasn’t been seen in the US since 1866.

Early Wednesday morning, if you live in the western part of the United States, the moon will bloom red, like a giant rose in the predawn sky.

The super blue blood moon features three different astronomical events.

  • Firstly, a blue moon is the name given to the second full moon in a calendar month.
  • Secondly, a supermoon is when the moon appears larger and brighter because it is closer to the earth than normal.
  • And thirdly, a blood moon occurs when the moon passes through the Earth’s shadow, causing a total lunar eclipse. This casts a shadow across the moon, giving it a red glow.

When can I see the eclipse?

It takes several hours for the moon to pass through the Earth’s shadow. First, it dips through the penumbra — the outer, lighter part of the shadow — and then the umbra — which is the darker portion that creates the reddish glow, known as totality.

Viewers on the West Coast will have the best seats in the continental United States. They will be able to watch the eclipse from start until finish, unabated by sunrise. The blood moon portion of the eclipse will enter totality at 4:51 a.m. and peak at 5:30 a.m. It will end about 6:05 a.m. local time.

Partial Eclipse Begins – Jan 31 at 3:48 AM

Full Eclipse Begins – Jan 31 4:51 AM

Maximum Eclipse – Jan 31 5:29 AM

Full Eclipse Ends – Jan 31 6:07 AM

Watching Eclipse at 4:30AM from Hot Tub?

Here is a step-by-step guide to enhance your viewing pleasure.

  1. TEST THE WATER: Take out your test strips and test the water tonight.  Make sure your hot tub water is perfect for tomorrow morning.  Add chlorine or bromine if necessary, check the Ph levels, adjust the temperature and clean the filters. Call us if you need help at 951-698-3115
  2. SET YOUR COFFEE MAKER:  The entire eclipse is from 3:48AM to 6:07AM.  If you plan on watching the eclipse from the very beginning, have your coffee brewed by 3:30AM
  3. SET TOWEL & BATHING SUIT NEXT TO BED: Be ready to roll out of bed, grab your towel and go.
  4. SET YOUR ALARM: Do you want to catch the very beginning of the eclipse? Set your alarm for 3:30AM.  If you want to be outside to witness the total lunar eclipse,  you can sleep in an extra hour – set your alarm for 4:30AM
  5. REMEMBER YOUR PHONE/CAMERA: Capture this rare astrological event and brag to your friends about having the very best place to watch; lounging in cozy, hot water with your morning cup of jo! And tag us @familybackyards to win $100 gift card!!!
  6. READY-SET-ENJOY! There is nothing quite like watching the sun rise from your hot tub. We may not have a Super, Blue, Blood moon every day, but you may find that hot tubbing in the morning becomes part or your daily ritual.

Here is a step-by-step guide to enhance your viewing pleasure.

  1. TEST THE WATER: Take out your test strips and test the water tonight.  Make sure your hot tub water is perfect for tomorrow morning.  Add chlorine or bromine if necessary, check the Ph levels, adjust the temperature and clean the filters. Call us if you need help at 951-698-3115
  2. SET YOUR COFFEE MAKER:  The entire eclipse is from 3:48AM to 6:07AM.  If you plan on watching the eclipse from the very beginning, have your coffee brewed by 3:30AM
  3. SET TOWEL & BATHING SUIT NEXT TO BED: Be ready to roll out of bed, grab your towel and go.
  4. SET YOUR ALARM: Do you want to catch the very beginning of the eclipse? Set your alarm for 3:30AM.  If you want to be outside to witness the total lunar eclipse, set you can sleep in an extra hour – set your alarm for 4:30AM
  5. REMEMBER YOUR PHONE/CAMERA: Capture this rare astrological event and brag to your friends about having the very best place to watch; lounging in cozy, hot water with your morning cup of jo! And tag us @familybackyards to win $100 gift card!!!
  6. READY-SET-ENJOY! There is nothing quite like watching the sun rise from your hot tub. We may not have a Super, Blue, Blood moon every day, but you may find that hot tubbing in the morning becomes part or your daily ritual.

Take a Photo and Win $100 Gift Card

Enter to Win $100 Gift Card Giveaway!

STEP 1: Follow us on Instagram @FamilyBackyards

STEP 2: Take a photo of you in your hot tub and post on Instagram along with a tag to @FamilyBackyards

We will be announce the winner of our very first giveaway on Feb 13th, 2018

Hurry up and take that photo!  All entries must be in by Feb. 11th, 2018 to be included in this giveaway.


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