MURRIETA – Hot Tub Sales Soar as Coronavirus Keeps People at Home – Staycations on the Rise.

Murrieta Valley Hot Spring Spas & BBQ Islands. March 9th, 2020.

The Coronavirus, COVID-19, has hit the community of Murrieta, California.  Murrieta has recently been in the center of the Coronavirus outbreak with 2 confirmed cases so far. On Sunday, the Riverside University Health System declared an emergency over the coronavirus. On Monday, Murrieta Valley High School in Riverside County closed after an employee showed possible symptoms of the coronavirus.

vSome local businesses are seeing an increase in business from the Coronavirus. One such business is the local hot tub and BBQ Island company, Murrieta and Temecula Valley Hot Spring Spas. “We are seeing a sharp increase in sales in the past few weeks.” Owner of Murrieta and Temecula Valley Hot Spring Spas and BBQ Island said. “More people in our community are making the decision to stay home instead of traveling because of the Coronavirus.”

The U.S. travel advisory is strongly encouraging Americans to reconsider any nonessential personal travel, particularly to areas that are experiencing outbreaks of COVID-19.

In the event of a drop in tourism linked to the virus, many Spring break holiday destinations are preparing to for smaller audiences and cutting the their advertising budget completely. “Our customers are telling us that they would rather spend their vacation money on improving their backyards and stay home,” says Joswick.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 is spread from person-to-person through close contact, usually within 6 feet, and mainly via respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. People are likely most contagious when they are most symptomatic. Coronavirus can also be spread by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching your mouth, nose and eyes.

Air travel
Several major airlines have reduced service in response to the growing threat of coronavirus.

United Airlines on Wednesday sent a letter to employees saying that in April, it would reduce its international schedule by 20% and its domestic schedule by 10%. Similar reductions are planned for May, the airline said, and JetBlue is reducing its own schedule by 5%, according to news reports.

The International Air Transport Association said this week that the virus outbreak could cost airlines across the world as much as $113 billion in revenue, or a 19% loss.

A more conservative estimate with a more limited spread of the disease could result in a $63 billion loss, according to the association.

It turns out that moving vacation funds over to a hot tub may make sense.

There’s been much research done on the ability of regular hot tub use boosting the immune system. As the core body temperature is elevated and induces a slight fever response, the body is triggered to arm itself against illness.

Looking To Improve Your Backyard?
Hot Tubs, Grills, and swim spas are the perfect centerpiece for any backyard. Check out our line of affordable plug & play spas from Freeflow spas, and our full line of luxury spas from Hot Spring Spas including their Highlife and Limelight Series hot tubs.

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