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Mental Benefits

Soak the Stress out of your body

The link between stress and illness should be of interest to anyone concerned with their health. We all have stress in our daily lives relating to work, family and society. Mental tensions, frustrations and insecurity are among the most damaging types of stress.

Affected by stress, the heart works harder, breathing becomes more rapid and shallow, and digestion slows. Nearly every process of the body is degraded. Researchers have estimated that 80% of disease is stress related. Since we usually can’t avoid it, the key to dealing with stress is relieving it!

A soothing and relaxing soak in a hot tub can help counteract stress and its effects on the human body. It is the perfect antidote to a hectic and stressful lifestyle. The warm waters and soothing massage work to relieve anxiety and relax your tense muscles.

Numerous independent studies have proven that a warm water massage stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural “feel good” chemical. Your hot tub will enhance your sense of well being, and leave you feeling fresh, clean, and ready to tackle life’s daily challenges.


How Stress Affects Us

  • More than half of all deaths between the ages of one and 65 result from stressful lifestyles.
    — U.S. Center for Disease Control
  • Lack of control, high demands and repetitive work lead to job stress, which can lead to health problems.
    — Duke University
  • Finding ways to relax can help reduce negative effects of: gastrointestinal problems, cardiovascular disorders, tension pain, headaches, arthritis and chronic fatigue.
    — National Stress Management Association
  • Medical researchers estimate that up to 90 percent of illness and disease is stress-related.
    — National Pool & Spa Institute
  • More than 50 percent of all Americans suffer adverse health effects due to stress.
    — The Mental Health Association.
  • Stress is linked to six of the leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, and suicide.
    — Department of Health Psychology and Applied Psychophysiology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation.

How Hot Tubs Affect Stress

  • Raising your core body temperature for 15 min. in warm water, such as a hot tub, 90 min. before bedtime is a scientifically proven way to induce a more restful sleep.
    — Sleep Journal
  • Hot tub use can counter the impacts of stress, helping keep you healthier.
  • Hot tubs improve circulation and therefore alleviate muscle and joint pain, even pain associated with Arthritis.
  • Hot tubs and spas are great tools for improving quality time with loved ones.
  • Hot tubs are a great way to enjoy the outdoors year round.