Free-standing, portable sauna series with fixed features, available in five sizes. For sauna simplicity and convenience.
Finnleo indoor sauna rooms enhance any space. Master bathrooms become European spas, and home gyms come full-circle with pre-workout warm-ups and post-workout recovery.
Made in Minnesota, NorthStar free-standing saunas offer high-quality design features on four standard sizes.
Deluxe, free-standing modular saunas; choose from four distinct styles with elevated aesthetics.
Modular, freestanding saunas: Designer or Sisu Series.
The Designer Series saunas are deluxe free-standing modular saunas that can be customized. Choose from seven distinct styles, each individualized with unique comfort and aesthetic features. The Sisu Series saunas are classic free-standing modular saunas that can be customized.